mouthguard designs RSS

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Sports can allow your child to discover new interests, stay active, and develop their coordination and social skills. But there's also a risk of injury in many sporting activities, including to the teeth and mouth which we can’t ignore. An injury to the mouth, can cause serious problems especially for a child or young adolescent whose teeth are still developing, can have a remarkable negative effect on their oral health. A knocked-out tooth or jaw injury is of course painful for your child and replacing a tooth can take a hit to your wallet, too! When it comes to teeth...

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custom mouthguard, impact dental mouthguard, mouthguard, mouthguard designs, mouthpiece -

Mouthguards are made and worn to protect you and care for your teeth and mouth, and they do a fantastic job of it. Without the proper care your mouth guard can become, dirty or damaged and it’s expensive to change or replace. It’s actually very important that you spend a little time caring for your mouthguard to keep it in perfect condition as well.   Impact Dental Designs educate customers that how to keep the mouthguard clean and healthy, and also keep it effective for the maximum period of time. Here are a few healthy tips to must keep in your mind....

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