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A mouth guard is one of the most important equipment you should own if you participate in any combat sport such as Boxing, MMA, UFC, Kickboxing, etc. Crucially, mouth guards help manage impact resulting from the strikes or blows on the mouth or jaw. Impact Dental mouth guard offers fighters protection by distributing impact (resulting from opponent strikes or blows) to the entire jaw instead of a single area. MMA Mouth Guard If there is one sport where mouth guards are absolutely crucial, it’s MMA (Mixed Martial Arts). Do we even need to explain why? This is a high contact sport...

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Let’s talk about Graphics which means the product’s commercial design or illustration. At Impact Dental Mouth Guard Designs, we’ve seen a lot of divergent designs and logos that athletes have devise to with over the years. Some are great and really pop on a mouthguard, but others fall short. While the benefits of a custom mouthgaurd go far beyond the ability to customize and personalize your mouth guard, there is nothing wrong with fully taking advantage of the creative opportunity to display your unique personality through your apparatus. Here are our best tips and tricks in order to get best...

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A mouthguard is a preventive device for the mouth that covers the teeth and gums to prevent and reduce injury to the teeth, arches, lips and gums. We are creating a mouth protector with advanced technology that caters to all ages and a range of sports is our mission. Every Impact Dental Designs Mouthguard stands out in five key areas: strength, comfort, hygiene, remoldability and freedom. Strength Mouth guards eight times tougher and 30-50% stronger than conventional mouthpiece. What does this mean for you? You start each game with confidence knowing that no matter how hard you get hit, Impact Dental damaged-controlled mouthguards are...

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A concussion is defined as a brain injury caused by a blow to the head or a violent shaking of the head and body that results from trauma sustained to the head. The fact is clear for participants of contact sports; injuries that result in a concussion could potentially end their sporting career. Intercepting sports-related injuries is achieved when the proper mouthguard is used during play. Many have favored that mouth guards can prevent some sport-related concussions as it helps in absorbing shock, thus stabilizing the neck and the head and minimize the movement that is generated by a direct hit to the jaw....

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  It is necessary to start with the definition of this word and introduce briefly this protection. What we define as a mouthguard, mouthpiece is a protection system designed for the mouth but also both your dental and skeletal apparatus. Basically it is a device, made by gum, gel or thermoplastic materials and in some cases, such in case of custom made mouthguards, made by artificial medical resins. It’s not only strictly related to contact and combat sports but also in sports activities such as hockey, rugby or football. What a mouth guard is for Prevent Injuries To Your Jaw During training or...

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